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Lion & Dragon Dancing
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join a class
Classes consist of warmups, stances, basic techniques, conditioning exercises, applications, forms and lion dancing. Fundamentals are practiced every class. You can expect a good cardio and strength workout with an emphasis on legs and core muscles.
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class schedule
Closed on Statutory Holidays
6:30 - 9:00pm
*6:30 - 8:00pm
Kids classes & Senior adult classes
6:45 - 9:00pm
*6:30 - 8:00pm
kids classes, new students, &
Lion dance training
6:30 - 9:00pm
Senior adult classes
6:30 - 7:30pm
Notified after registration
New students classes (outdoors)
Quadra Village Neighbourhood Gym (QVNG)
950 Kings Rd, Victoria, BC V8T 2W6
Entrance to the gym is off of parking lot. Free public parking available and accessible by transit.
Get Directions
class fees
Updated May 2024
Youth Classes (Age 7+)
First 3 Months
$65 / month
after trial period
Adult Classes (Age 18+)
First 3 Months
$80 / month
after trial period
Pay by e-transfer to
, cash, or cheque.
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Don’t see your question answered? Contact
or call us at
(250) 386-3713
Can I come 4 days a week?
Two or three times a week is preferred
What is a kung fu form/set and what is its purpose?
A form is a choreographed routine of fighting movements. The purpose of a form is to transmit a body of knowledge from master to student. It is a way of learning fighting combinations, as well as a way to build strength, flexibility, coordination and endurance.
What is the name of the place you practice in?
It’s called a Kwoon. Dojo is Japanese. We just call it “the club”.
Do I need martial arts experience?
No. You need patience, dedication and a strong work ethic.
Are there belts or rankings?
No, there are no belts or rankings and thus no fees for “belt testings.” People progress based on how hard they work and how diligent they are. In other words you get out what you put in. Students wear red sashes as is tradition.
Is there contact or sparring in the classes?
During application and conditioning exercises there is contact but there is generally no “sparring” in the club. Controlled application exercises are the way we teach fighting concepts. As students progress, application exercises can intensify and develop into “controlled sparring” always emphasizing restraint and proper technique.
What equipment do I need for class?
Only a good pair of indoor shoes, a white T-shirt and a loose pair of exercise pants.
How often should I come?
Out of the 4 days a week we are open, a minimum of 2 days would be recommended to gain anything out of the class.
What does the class consist of?
Class consists of warmups, stances, basic techniques, conditioning exercises, applications, forms and lion dancing. Fundamentals are practiced every class. You can expect a good cardio and strength workout with an emphasis on legs and core muscles.
Can I view the class first?
Anybody who is interested in joining a class or learning more is welcome to come down and watch a class before making any commitment.
Class videos
Still curious about what our classes look like? Check out some videos from our training sessions!
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