join a class

Classes consist of warmups, stances, basic techniques, conditioning exercises, applications, forms and lion dancing. Fundamentals are practiced every class. You can expect a good cardio and strength workout with an emphasis on legs and core muscles.
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class schedule

Closed on Statutory Holidays


6:30 - 9:00pm
*6:30 - 8:00pm

*Kids classes & Senior adult classes


6:45 - 9:00pm
*6:30 - 8:00pm

*kids classes, new students, &
Lion dance training


6:30 - 9:00pm

Senior adult classes


6:30 - 7:30pm

Notified after registration
New students classes (outdoors)


Quadra Village Neighbourhood Gym (QVNG)

950 Kings Rd, Victoria, BC V8T 2W6

Entrance to the gym is off of parking lot. Free public parking available and accessible by transit.
Get Directions

class fees

Updated May 2024

Youth Classes (Age 7+)

First 3 Months

$65 / month after trial period

Adult Classes (Age 18+)

First 3 Months

$80 / month after trial period
Pay by e-transfer to, cash, or cheque.
Sign Up


Don’t see your question answered? Contact or call us at (250) 386-3713.
Can I come 4 days a week?
What is a kung fu form/set and what is its purpose?
What is the name of the place you practice in?
Do I need martial arts experience?
Are there belts or rankings?
Is there contact or sparring in the classes?
What equipment do I need for class?
How often should I come?
What does the class consist of?
Can I view the class first?

Class videos

Still curious about what our classes look like? Check out some videos from our training sessions!
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more questions about class?

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